The Future of Web-based ERP

Get up and running with ease!

It is Augative's Vision to be the most intuitive and easiest to use web-based ERP provider.

Augative works well for simple and complex businesses with production, warehousing and supply chain requirements.

Intuitive systems enables your teams to get up and running quickly and reduce support massively.

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Get on top of your Sales!

In today's fast-paced business world, staying on top of your sales performance is more critical than ever.

AugTool's end-to-end business solution helps you track sales performance, chase up deliveries not invoiced, manage stock shortages, and purchase enough stock on time.

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Get Access to the Fastest Web-based ERP on the market

An ERP should support and enhance the user's role and should never slow them down in any way.

Loading screens, running reports, and looking up products and customers almost instantly, allow users to focus on what matters and supply superior customer service.

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Manage and pay for the correct Landed Costs

In today's global market, understanding the full impact of landed costs is essential for businesses seeking to effectively and efficiently manage their cost of sales, and ultimately report accurate GP figures.

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Connect your Devices such as Weigh Bridges

AugTool allows you to connect your devices directly to the system easily.

With this, you can manage what physically happens on the floor and not wait for users to input figures from machines or other devices improving accuracy and efficiency.

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Continue doing business as normal while counting stock!

With Augtool, shutting down your warehouse or company for a couple of days to perform an accurate and undisturbed stock take is a thing of the past!

Augative has built an easy-to-use and smart stock-taking process that lets you continue business "as normal" while performing your counts. Never halt your receivals, deliveries, production orders or stock transfers in order to perform a stock take! Augative's stock take knows what you are doing while you are counting so as to incorporate all inventory changes into your counts!

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Bookings management built on top of a powerful financial system.

In the world of bespoke short-term property rentals and events bookings such as weddings, safaris, and photo shoots, where your guests need personal attention, a Hospitality Reservation and Financial Management system will ensure that your sales agents can promptly and professionally address all your guest's needs and offer optional extras and promotional longer term stays.

In addition, when your Hospitality Reservation system is built on top of a Financial Management system, your finance team will never miss a beat and you will always have live sales, expense, and financial reporting.

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