


Multi-user access

With unlimited users who have access to multiple companies in one login you need to be able to control and restrict access to specific information about products, warehouses, customers and suppliers. Control the ability to create, view and change anything and log all activities performed.

  • Enable multiple companies, departments and team members to work together seamlessly. Since everyone has access to the same real-time data and information, it becomes easier to coordinate activities, share insights, and make informed decisions collectively.
  • With multi-user access, employees can input and retrieve information simultaneously without having to wait for someone else to complete their tasks.
  • Improved Data Accuracy and Consistency by reducing errors and ensuring that decisions are made based on reliable information.
  • Scalability and Flexibility with a system that can easily scale to accommodate new users, departments, or functionalities.
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Document attachment uploads

Attach any type of document to any sales, purchasing, production, stock and financial document and grant access to users to upload, view and download documents from the system. Manage all your attachments in one place and search for any attachments on linked documents.

  • All relevant documents, whether they are sales contracts, purchase orders, production schedules, or financial reports, can be stored in and retrieved from one place.
  • Enhances collaboration among teams, as members can view and share documents without the need for physical presence or sending files back and forth via email.
  • By managing documents within the ERP, businesses can ensure that sensitive information is only accessible to authorized personnel.
  • Creates streamlined processes by eliminating the need to switch between different applications or search through emails to find related documents.
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User action logging

In AugTool each user can view their own and others actions performed on documents they have access to promoting transparency and assisting with root cause problem solving. Management can also view all users’ actions that have an impact on your information for all documents that create and or change information and easily find areas of trouble or training requirements. Auditors appreciate this too and can quickly contact the right user to troubleshoot any identified issue.

  • When each action is traceable back to a specific user, it encourages responsible behaviour and diligent work practices,
  • In the event of an error or discrepancy in the system, having a detailed log of user actions allows IT teams or system administrators to quickly identify the origin of the issue.
  • A comprehensive log of user actions simplifies the audit process, as auditors can easily review the actions taken on sensitive or critical documents
  • By monitoring and analysing user actions, management can identify patterns or trends that may indicate areas where additional training or process improvements are needed
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Multi company

Consolidating access to all the companies you own under a single Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system with one login offers several substantial benefits that can streamline operations, enhance decision-making, and improve overall business efficiency.

  • Having a single access point for all your companies allows for a comprehensive overview of operations across the entire business portfolio with one login and one system.
  • With one login, the need to switch between different systems and re-authenticate is eliminated, streamlining workflows and saving time
  • When all companies are managed within a single ERP system, data is entered and stored in a consistent manner, reducing the likelihood of discrepancies and errors.
  • When all companies are managed within a single ERP system, data is entered and stored in a consistent manner, reducing the likelihood of discrepancies and errors.
  • Teams can work together more effectively on joint projects or initiatives, leveraging the collective expertise and capabilities within your portfolio.
  • Managing multiple companies on a single ERP platform can lead to significant cost savings. It reduces the need for separate licenses, maintenance contracts, and support services for different systems.
  • From an IT perspective, having one system to secure, maintain, and update is far less complex and resource-intensive than managing multiple disparate systems.
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Real Time Excel Reporting

Providing real-time access to your ERP data via Excel integration offers numerous benefits, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and decision-making capabilities within an organization.

  • By enabling real-time access to ERP data within Excel, users can significantly streamline their workflows. There's no need to manually download and update Excel files, a process that can be time-consuming and prone to errors.
  • Real-time integration between Excel and ERP systems ensures that the data used for analysis and reporting is always current and consistent.
  • Access to real-time ERP data within Excel empowers managers and decision-makers with the most up-to-date information. This timely access to data enables quicker and more informed decision-making.
  • Excel is widely recognized for its powerful data analysis and reporting capabilities. Integrating it with an ERP system allows users to leverage these capabilities while working with real-time data.
  • By eliminating the need for manual data transfers and reducing the reliance on IT support for report generation, real-time access to ERP data via Excel also reduces the labour and time involved in preparing reports and analyses.
  • In today's fast-paced business environment, the ability to quickly adapt to changes and capitalize on emerging opportunities is crucial. Real-time data access ensures that businesses can react dynamically, adjusting strategies and operations as needed.
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Inventory management

Easily manage view your inventory demand, in stock and fulfilment requirements with ease to ensure you have the right stock at the right time at the right place. AugTool handles various methods of tracking and recording stock with perpetual, periodic and hybrid financial stock methods providing you with exactly the correct actual and liable stock figures. Smart classifications allow inventory managers to speed up many processes including replenishments, promotions, price updates and sales drivers.

  • Ensures a balance between demand and supply, reducing excess stock and avoiding stockouts.
  • Streamlines operations for faster order processing and reduces errors, leading to higher productivity.
  • Lowers storage, maintenance, and obsolescence costs while maximizing sales opportunities.
  • Offers better visibility into supply chain operations, facilitating strategic planning and effective supplier management.
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Proper warehouse management, especially with the capability to manage inventory across multiple virtual and real warehouses, is crucial for optimizing logistics, enhancing efficiency, and improving customer satisfaction. This approach allows businesses to adapt to various demands and operational challenges more effectively.

  • Enables allocation of inventory, optimizing space usage across different warehouse locations.
  • Facilitates faster shipping by storing products closer to customers or in strategically advantageous locations.
  • Offers real-time insights into inventory levels across all warehouses, aiding in better stock management and decision-making.
  • Allows businesses to easily expand operations or enter new markets without significant infrastructure investments.
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Linked Documents

Using linked documents that inform each other about outstanding procedures provides a robust and efficient framework for managing sales, purchases, production, finance and inventory processes. This integrated approach ensures that all departments including procurement, sales, production, dispatch and receivals are informed and aligned, leading to better coordination and transparency.

  • Ensures all departments have up-to-date information on stock levels, order statuses, and production schedules, enabling proactive management.
  • Minimizes manual data entry and the risk of discrepancies between sales orders, purchase orders, and production orders, leading to more reliable operations.
  • Facilitates timely and accurate fulfilment of sales orders by closely tracking production outputs and available inventory, optimizing stock levels.
  • Enables quicker response times to customer demands and market changes, improving service levels and customer experiences by ensuring products are delivered as soon as they become available.
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Live Stock Taking

Performing a livestock take without the need to shut down operations offers significant advantages for maintaining business continuity while ensuring inventory accuracy. This approach, facilitated by technologies like AugTool that track changes in real time, allows businesses to count inventory amidst ongoing operations.

  • Allows normal business operations, such as receiving, producing, and delivering goods, to continue uninterrupted during stock takes.
  • Provides real-time tracking of inventory changes, ensuring stock levels are accurately recorded even amidst active stock movement.
  • Reduces the need for after-hours stock taking, optimizing workforce productivity and resource allocation.
  • Prevents delays in order fulfilment and service provision by eliminating the need for operational pauses, maintaining high service levels.
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Batching with chain of custody

Manage unique products in separate batches that are tracked throughout your business processes including, goods receipts, stock transfers, production, deliveries and other processes that effect stock.

  • Improve Safety and compliance regarding inventory
  • Utilize Expiration date tracking and automated batch selection based on expiry rules
  • Automated inventory batch sequencing and track the chain of custody from Goods receipts through production, sales and delivery notes.
  • Create smoother recall processes that are also far more cost-effective.
  • Manage the quality of your products in smaller batches.
  • Reduce accounting mistakes and track costs and profit per batch
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Inventory Purchase Planning

Being able to plan your inventory purchases effectively, especially with a tool like AugTool that calculates needs based on customer orders and aligns them with delivery dates, offers substantial benefits for maintaining operational efficiency and meeting customer expectations. This approach ensures that inventory levels are optimized to meet demand without overstocking or shortages.

  • AugTool ensures that materials and components are available when they're needed
  • Inventory levels are optimized by ensuring you order just enough on time and move stock from one location to the other appropriately.
  • Prevents overstocking and understocking by purchasing inventory based on actual and forecasted customer orders.
  • Ensures products are delivered within expected timeframes by aligning inventory availability with demand.
  • Enables more strategic purchasing decisions and better cash flow by aligning expenditure on inventory with incoming revenue from sales.
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Consignment Stock

Avoid Inventory carrying costs by negotiating consignment contracts with your suppliers and speed up your procurement processes with minimal cash flow. Accurately track consignment usage to raise appropriate supplier invoices in a timely manner to strengthen your supplier relationships.

  • If you can do so, you can sell consignment stock to avoid Inventory carrying costs. Strong relationships are needed with your suppliers.
  • You can work with your suppliers to Test Market Interest when penetrating new markets or testing out new product lines.
  • In difficult economic times, you can foster relationships with your customers by supplying consignment stock.
  • With AugTool, you can easily manage your consignment stock, your negotiated cost of each consignment pile and ensure you only pay for what you have used.
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Inventory Thresholds

Following up on over-deliveries drastically improves your revenue and cash flow and ignoring small percentage over runs reduces administration while allowing you to tweak your processes. Managing over receivals with special return and credit note contracts builds solid relationships with our suppliers.

  • Setup under thresholds in AugTool to ignore sales and purchase orders that have been marginally under delivered or received to minimize irrelevant administration tasks.
  • Setup warning over processed warnings to notify users when a document (Sales, Purchasing, production) has been marginally over processed.
  • Setup blocks to disallow any user from over processing a document beyond your company’s policy.
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Fully integrated Financials

Having all business processes integrated into a single financial system, like AugTool ERP, which offers a fully integrated, flexible, and powerful financial backend, provides a unified platform that drives efficiency, visibility, and scalability. This approach eliminates the need for interfacing with multiple applications, streamlining operations and financial management across the organization.

  • Eliminates data silos and the need for manual data entry between systems, reducing the risk of errors and improving operational efficiency.
  • Provides real-time access to financial data across all business modules, supporting informed decision-making with multiyear and multi-dimensional reporting capabilities.
  • Allows businesses to easily expand and adapt their financial and operational processes to meet evolving needs with customizable GL and income statements.
  • Ensures accurate and up-to-date financial records across all business activities, enhancing compliance and financial oversight with comprehensive income statements, balance sheets, and trial balances.
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Bank, Cash and Loans

Managing your bank, cash, and loans within a unified system simplifies financial operations, enhances efficiency, and provides a clearer financial overview. This integrated approach allows for streamlined payment allocations, simplified reconciliation processes, and better financial management overall.

  • Simplifies the allocation of payments and receipts, making it easier to reconcile bank, petty cash, and loan accounts with minimal effort.
  • Timely payment to accounts and suppliers, as well as efficient receivables management, ensures optimal cash flow and reduces administrative burdens.
  • Direct allocation to invoices, journals, and predefined items minimizes manual data entry and the potential for errors, leading to more accurate financial records.
  • Enables easy management of interbank transfers and bulk payment runs, allowing for quick allocation to individual purchase invoices, which saves time and reduces complexity.
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Managing your budgets within an ERP system like AugTool offers a comprehensive approach to financial planning, monitoring, and control. This advanced functionality allows businesses to effectively manage their finances, ensuring alignment with strategic goals and minimizing financial risks.

  • In AugTool, you can create, manage and report on budgets per balance and income statement accounts and across all your cost and income centres with ease
  • Helps in closely monitoring spending against budgeted amounts, reducing the likelihood of exceeding budget limits.
  • Identifies and addresses areas of financial concern, promoting healthier spending practices within the organization.
  • Supports the setting of long-term financial goals and the allocation of resources in alignment with these objectives.
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Rules-Based Bank Allocation

Utilizing automatic bank allocation rules within a AugTool can significantly streamline financial operations, enhancing both the efficiency and accuracy of managing transactions. These rules automate the process of matching bank statement entries with corresponding documents such as invoices and payments, thereby improving the financial management within an organization.

  • Automates the reconciliation process, saving time and reducing the manual effort required in matching transactions.
  • Minimizes human error by automatically matching reference numbers and document numbers, ensuring more accurate bookkeeping.
  • Enables quicker processing of incoming and outgoing transactions, providing a real-time view of cash flow and financial standing.
  • Streamlines processes within the debtors and creditors department, leading to more professional and efficient operations.
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Vat processes and reporting

Being able to process your VAT return quickly and easily, with the aid of intelligent systems that handle back-and-future dated documents without locking periods, streamlines the reconciliation of input and output VAT. This capability significantly simplifies the tax filing process, making month-end closures more efficient.

  • Simplifies the VAT return process, allowing for quick and easy submission with minimal manual intervention.
  • Intelligent understanding of dates and transactions ensures accurate reconciliation, reducing errors in VAT reporting.
  • Enables businesses to meet tax deadlines with ease, avoiding penalties associated with late or incorrect filings.
  • With one-click VAT reports, businesses can swiftly conclude month-end processes, freeing up time for other critical tasks.
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Cash Slip and Cash up processes

Utilizing cash slips and cash up processes within an ERP system for handling cash payments and receipts offers a structured and secure method for managing physical cash transactions. These processes ensure accurate tracking and reconciliation of cash flows, minimizing discrepancies and enhancing financial control.

  • Avoid disputes over whether a payment or receipt was made, manage your expected change, and instruct your workforce appropriately.
  • Provides precise control over change given and ensures all transactions are accounted for, reducing errors.
  • Helps in monitoring and securing cash in tills and other locations, reducing the risk of theft or misplacement.
  • Simplifies the process of reconciling petty cash and cash on hand, ensuring records are up-to-date and accurate.
  • Offers real-time insights into cash movements, aiding in more informed cash flow management decisions.
  • Run detailed reports per person, per draw, per product and follow up on any balances easily.
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Cost and Income Centre management

Cost and Income Centres within an ERP system play a crucial role in management accounting by allowing for detailed tracking and analysis of financial performance across different parts of an organization. These centres enable businesses to allocate costs and revenues accurately, facilitating better financial planning, control, and decision-making. Here's a summary of the benefits based on the context provided:

  • Cost and Income Centres provide detailed visibility into where and how funds are being utilized, contributing to more effective financial management
  • They help in identifying areas of efficiency and inefficiency, allowing for smarter allocation of resources and budget adjustments.
  • By segregating costs and income, these centres make it easier to assess the profitability of different departments or product lines.
  • With clear insights into cost drivers and revenue sources, management can make informed strategic decisions to enhance overall business performance.
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Expanded ledger - Tags

Expanding your general ledger with qualitative information using "Tags" in Agtool transforms the way financial data is viewed and analysed. This feature enhances the depth and utility of ledger entries by allowing for detailed segmenting beyond traditional numerical data. Incorporating Tags into your general ledger entries not only enriches the data but also unlocks valuable insights for the financial department.

  • Tags provide a multi-dimensional view of financials, allowing for more nuanced analysis and understanding.
  • Facilitates better organization of ledger entries, making it easier to track specific types of transactions or events.
  • With Tags, custom reports can be generated to highlight specific insights, improving the decision-making process.
  • By offering a clearer picture of financial trends and patterns, Tags help in creating more accurate budgets and forecasts.
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Interest runs

Automatically creating interest invoices for all outstanding invoices linked to customers or suppliers contracted to be charged interest based on the payment date of the invoice, using AugTool Interest runs, streamlines and automates the process of managing late payments. This feature ensures that businesses can efficiently enforce their payment terms and improve cash flow management.

  • Automatically generates interest invoices for late payments, ensuring that revenue from interest is recognized in a timely manner.
  • By systematically charging interest on overdue invoices, it incentivizes prompt payment, thereby improving cash flow.
  • Automates the calculation and invoicing of interest on late payments, saving time and reducing manual errors.
  • Enforces agreed-upon payment terms consistently across all customers and suppliers, enhancing contractual compliance.
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Utilizing multiple currencies within an ERP system offers significant advantages for businesses operating on a global scale. With capabilities to handle daily spot and periodic exchange rates for every currency worldwide, such systems streamline the process of conducting international transactions. This functionality not only simplifies the raising of foreign exchange invoices and other documents but also automatically manages the complexities associated with forex gains and losses due to currency fluctuations.

  • Streamlines International Transactions: Simplifies the process of conducting business globally by facilitating the creation and management of transactions in multiple currencies.
  • Automates Forex Gain/Loss Calculations: Automatically adjusts for currency fluctuations, ensuring accurate financial reporting without manual intervention.
  • Enhances Financial Accuracy: Provides up-to-date exchange rates, improving the accuracy of financial documents and reports involving foreign currencies.
  • Supports Strategic Decision Making: Offers valuable insights into the financial impact of currency movements, aiding in more informed strategic planning and risk management.
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Foreign Exchange Evaluation Runs

Utilizing Foreign Exchange Evaluation Runs AugTool empowers businesses to proactively manage and minimize the impact of currency fluctuations on their financial statements. By re-evaluating base currency accounts for receivables, payables, the chart of accounts, and bank balances at the document level, businesses gain granular control and transparency over their foreign currency exposure. This process ensures that figures in the base currency remain as accurate and realistic as possible, significantly reducing the risk of unexpected gains or losses at the time of payment or receipt.

  • Regular re-evaluation helps in anticipating and mitigating potential foreign exchange gains or losses.
  • Keeps base currency financial figures updated, ensuring financial statements accurately reflect the current value of foreign currency items.
  • Always understanding foreign currency exposure aids in better cash flow planning and management.
  • Offers detailed insight and control over how currency fluctuations affect individual transactions and overall financial health.
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Forward Exchange Contracts

Using Forward Exchange Contracts (FEC) within the AugTool ERP system offers businesses engaged in international trade a robust mechanism to hedge against foreign exchange risk, ensuring financial stability and predictability. By linking foreign exchange orders and invoices to FECs based on the quantity of products sold or purchased, companies can lock in exchange rates for future transactions. This capability allows both parties to better budget for future projects, production, deliveries, and receivables, knowing in advance precisely what their income or costs from a transaction will be at a specified future date.

  • Create Forward Exchange Contracts for purchasing and sales documents within AugTool
  • Bulk allocate FEC contracts to multiple invoices off sales and purchase orders.
  • Automatically handles accounts receivable and payable changes, recording any gains or losses directly in the income statement.
  • Maintains accurate revenue and cost recognition even when FEC allocations change, providing financial consistency.
  • Converts foreign currency documents into base currencies for financial statements, aging reports, and prints with full or partial FEC allocations, simplifying financial reporting.
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Extended Partner relationships


Customers and Supplier Management

Managing your Customers and Suppliers within one ERP system across all your companies, as facilitated by AugTool, streamlines and centralizes the process of handling business relationships and transactions. By offering a unified platform to share customer and supplier data across multiple entities you own, AugTool ensures that all relevant parties have access to accurate and up-to-date master data. This consolidation into a single source of truth eliminates redundancies, improves efficiency, and enhances decision-making processes.

  • Centralized management of customer and supplier data prevents discrepancies and ensures uniformity across all your companies.
  • Eliminates the need for multiple databases and systems, thereby reducing administrative overhead and simplifying operations.
  • Shared access to customer and supplier information fosters better coordination among different companies and teams.
  • With accurate and comprehensive data readily available, businesses can make more informed decisions regarding their relationships with customers and suppliers.
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Customer and Supplier Portals

Using customer and supplier portals within AugTool transforms the traditional dynamics of business relationships into partnerships characterized by transparency, efficiency, and collaboration. By providing a dedicated platform where customers and suppliers can directly engage with your business processes, such as payments, statements, notifications, and price negotiations, these portals facilitate closer relationships and faster lead times. This approach not only enhances satisfaction levels but also contributes to building a reputable brand known for its professional working relationships and time-saving practices.

  • Streamlines processes such as printing and emailing statements, leading to quicker turnaround times and improved operational efficiency.
  • Offers a user-friendly platform for direct interaction, significantly enhancing the overall experience and satisfaction.
  • Establishes your business as one that values transparency and collaboration, positively impacting your brand image.
  • Extend your business with portals and allow your partners in business to work with you more efficiently and effectively.
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Quote to Cash

Effectively managing your quote to cash process is crucial for ensuring a smooth, efficient sales cycle that not only enhances customer satisfaction but also solidifies your company's reputation in the market. This comprehensive approach encompasses everything from the initial quote to the final payment, aiming to streamline operations, reduce errors, and provide a seamless experience for both your team and your customers. Mastering this process positions your business as professional and reliable, essential qualities for market leadership.

  • Demonstrates professionalism and efficiency, establishing your business as a market leader.
  • Streamlines customer interactions, making it easier and more time-efficient for them to do business with you.
  • Satisfied customers are more likely to return for future purchases due to positive experiences.
  • Happy customers become brand advocates, expanding your network through referrals.
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Pipeline and Opportunities

Managing your sales pipeline and opportunities effectively in one centralized location offers significant advantages for businesses aiming to optimize their sales process and enhance overall performance. By centralizing the management of the sales funnel, companies can tailor their approach to fit specific industry needs or unique sales processes, facilitating a more organized and efficient path from initial contact to final sale. This strategy not only streamlines operations but also provides clear insights into the sales cycle, enabling better decision-making and strategy formulation.

  • Centralized management allows for more precise sales forecasting, helping businesses plan with greater confidence.
  • By efficiently managing multiple quotations and opportunities in one place, businesses can speed up their sales cycles, leading to quicker conversions.
  • Centralization makes it easier to track and nurture leads throughout the sales funnel, increasing the chances of conversion.
  • The ability to create, manage, approve sales prices, and drive sales orders and invoices from a single source simplifies the sales process, reducing administrative overhead.
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Effectively managing customer prices with centralized price lists is a strategic approach that can significantly impact a company's profitability and market competitiveness. By maintaining a clear overview of prices per customer and supplier across all products and product groups, businesses can swiftly adapt to market changes, optimize pricing strategies, and enhance negotiation outcomes. This practice not only simplifies the pricing process but also ensures that companies can offer the most advantageous deals at the right moment.

  • Quickly update prices to reflect market conditions, ensuring competitiveness and responsiveness.
  • Tailor prices per category and per customer or supplier to maximize profitability on each transaction.
  • Armed with precise and comprehensive pricing information, negotiate better deals more effectively.
  • Centralizing price lists in one place simplifies management, saving time and reducing errors.
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Statement Runs

Using Statement Runs within AugTool offers businesses a streamlined and efficient approach to managing and communicating financial transactions and balances with customers. This feature automates the generation and distribution of account statements, providing a clear overview of financial interactions over a specific period. By leveraging Statement Runs, businesses can improve their financial communication, enhance transparency with their customers, and significantly reduce the administrative burden associated with manual account management processes.

  • Timely statement runs help prompt payments by reminding customers of their dues, improving the company's cash flow.
  • Provides customers with regular, accurate updates on their account status, fostering trust and satisfaction.
  • Automates the process of creating and sending statements, freeing up valuable time for more strategic tasks.
  • Minimizes the risk of human error in account management, ensuring that statements are accurate and consistent.
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Sales Agent Commission

Effectively managing sales agent commissions, including claw backs and kickers, is essential for maintaining a motivated salesforce and ensuring fair and transparent compensation practices. By automating the commission calculation process based on predefined rules and payable events, businesses can streamline their operations, minimize disputes, and foster a more productive sales environment. This approach not only simplifies the administrative burden associated with commission management but also provides clear, understandable reports for both management and sales agents.

  • Enhances Accuracy and Transparency: Automates and accurately calculates commissions, including complex scenarios like claw backs, ensuring fairness and clarity.
  • Improves Efficiency: Reduces the time and effort required to manage commissions manually, allowing for quick adjustments and updates.
  • Boosts Sales Agent Motivation: Utilizes kickers and promotions to incentivize specific sales behaviours, driving performance and focus on targeted products.
  • Facilitates Better Financial Management: Provides detailed aging reports for each sales agent, aiding in efficient follow-up on outstanding customer payments
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Sales Forecasts

Utilizing sales forecasts effectively within an ERP system can profoundly impact a business's operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. By leveraging sophisticated algorithms and data analysis, AugTool can predict future purchase requirements enabling precise inventory management. This proactive approach ensures that businesses maintain optimal stock levels, meet production needs, and fulfil customer orders promptly.

  • Predicts the exact stock requirements at any given time, preventing overstocking or stockouts.
  • Keeps production lines running at full capacity by ensuring all necessary materials are available when needed, without excess based on future sales demand.
  • Greatly improves product availability for customer orders, thereby avoiding disappointments caused by selling products that are out of stock or might run out.
  • Allows selling based on both current inventory and anticipated stock requirements, maximizing revenue opportunities.
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Supplier Price Lists

Effectively managing supplier price lists in an ERP system offers significant advantages for businesses seeking to optimize their procurement process and maintain competitive pricing. This centralized approach to managing supplier prices ensures that businesses have access to the most current and accurate cost information, facilitating better purchasing decisions, budgeting, and cost control. By leveraging the capabilities of an ERP to manage these price lists, companies can achieve greater operational efficiency and profitability.

  • Provides immediate access to up-to-date supplier pricing, improving cost analysis and budgeting accuracy.
  • Simplifies the purchasing process by automatically applying the most current prices, reducing manual work and errors.
  • Armed with accurate and comprehensive pricing data, businesses can negotiate more effectively with suppliers.
  • By ensuring purchases are made at the most favourable prices, companies can better manage costs and improve profit margins.
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Procure to pay

Effectively managing the procure-to-pay (P2P) process within AugTool is a strategic approach that can significantly enhance a company's procurement operations and overall financial health. This comprehensive management involves treating suppliers fairly, negotiating sensible prices, ensuring timely payments, and potentially consolidating procurement across multiple entities. By optimizing these aspects of the procurement process, businesses can achieve greater efficiency, cost savings, and improved supplier relationships.

  • Centralizes and automates procurement activities, reducing manual effort and increasing efficiency.
  • Ensures fair treatment, timely payments, and effective communication, leading to stronger, more reliable partnerships.
  • Negotiating better prices and consolidating procurement efforts lead to significant cost savings and better budget control.
  • By optimizing procurement processes, companies can shorten sales lead times, enhancing customer satisfaction and competitiveness.
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Landed costs

Effectively managing landed costs within an ERP system, such as AugTool, is crucial for accurately determining the total cost of acquiring products and ensuring profitable pricing strategies. Landed costs include not only the purchase price of goods but also additional expenses incurred during transportation, customs clearance, duties, taxes, insurance, and other related fees. By comprehensively accounting for these costs, businesses can avoid under-pricing their products and eroding profit margins.

  • Incorporates all associated costs of getting products to your warehouse, providing a true picture of product costs.
  • Helps in setting appropriate selling prices by accurately calculating the cost of goods sold (COGS), thereby protecting profit margins.
  • Offers precise and transparent financial reporting by accurately reflecting the cost of sales and gross profit figures.
  • Integrates with procurement and logistics modules for efficient transportation cost reconciliation and demand fulfilment, improving overall operational efficiency.
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Payment runs

Utilizing Payment Runs within an ERP system streamlines the process of managing and executing payments to suppliers and other creditors. This feature automates the payment process, ensuring timely and accurate transactions based on predefined schedules and criteria. By leveraging Payment Runs, businesses can significantly reduce the manual effort involved in processing payments, minimize the risk of human error, and enhance their relationships with suppliers through consistent and reliable payment practices.

  • Automates the payment process, freeing up staff to focus on more strategic tasks instead of manual data entry.
  • Minimizes the risk of errors in payment amounts and details, ensuring that each transaction is executed correctly.
  • Ensures timely payments, fostering trust and reliability with suppliers, which can lead to better terms and cooperation.
  • Provides a clear overview of outgoing payments, aiding in cash flow management and financial planning.
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Procurement Planning

Procurement planning is a strategic approach in supply chain management that focuses on identifying and managing the acquisition of goods and services needed by an organization to meet its objectives. It involves forecasting demand, evaluating suppliers, negotiating contracts, and managing orders to ensure that all necessary materials are available when needed, without incurring unnecessary costs or delays. Integrating sales forecasts or current demand into procurement planning enables organizations to align their purchasing activities more closely with their actual needs, leading to numerous benefits.

  • By aligning purchases with forecasted sales or current demand, organizations can avoid overstocking or understocking, leading to better inventory management and reduced storage costs.
  • Effective procurement planning based on accurate forecasts helps in setting realistic timelines and quantities for suppliers, fostering stronger, more reliable partnerships.
  • Anticipating demand allows for smoother operations by ensuring that the right materials are available at the right time, thus avoiding production delays.
  • Integrating sales forecasts into procurement planning provides valuable insights that aid in strategic decision-making, such as identifying opportunities for bulk purchasing or renegotiating supplier contracts for better terms.
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Vehicle scheduling

Utilizing AugTool for vehicle scheduling and transport liability management transforms the complex and time-consuming tasks of planning, scheduling, and communicating delivery and receipt details into a streamlined, efficient process. By automating these logistics tasks, businesses can significantly reduce the manual effort involved, ensure accuracy in scheduling, and effectively manage their transportation expenses.

  • Automates the planning and scheduling process, reducing the time and effort required to organize deliveries, goods receipts, and stock transfers.
  • Directly notifies transport companies of the specifics regarding pickups and deliveries, ensuring clear and timely communication.
  • Automatically forecasts and tracks transport expenses, linking them to specific deliveries or pickups for accurate cost control.
  • Seamlessly manages subcontractor transporters, associating each trip with a transportation liability for comprehensive oversight.
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Transport liability

Managing transport liability, especially when using subcontractors for the delivery or receipt of goods, is a critical aspect of logistics and financial management. This process involves accurately accounting for and reconciling transportation costs incurred during the movement of goods against the charges passed on to customers or absorbed by the business. With a system like AugTool, companies can seamlessly incorporate transportation costs into their sales pricing, manage liabilities, and ensure accurate financial reporting without disclosing detailed cost breakdowns to customers.

  • Allows for detailed scheduling of transportation activities, including driver and vehicle information, ensuring smooth logistics operations.
  • Enables the export and import of driver schedules via Excel, making it easy to share updates and addresses and instructions with all parties involved.
  • Connects vehicle scheduling with purchasing, sales, and other related processes, enhancing operational efficiency and data accuracy.
  • Updates transporter liability accounts based on vehicle schedules, providing precise tracking and reconciliation of transportation costs.
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Manufacturing Processes

Implementing a strategic production framework is essential for businesses aiming to deliver products within competitive lead times, while also optimizing their manufacturing processes for cost efficiency and ensuring the timely availability of raw materials. Integrating this approach with an advanced financial system enhances the ability to manage complex pricing structures and facilitates informed decision-making.

  • Enables the implementation of make-to-stock and make-to-order, along with repetitive manufacturing processes, catering to various operational needs and customer demands efficiently.
  • Simplifies handling of final product recipes (BoM) complexities and allows for dynamic management of pricing across different customers and suppliers, incorporating factors like lead times, minimum optimal levels, and financial categorizations.
  • Optimizes the use of machinery and workspaces through strategic routing and staging, providing a comprehensive view of business operations from inception to completion, thereby minimizing costs and boosting efficiency.
  • Offers robust financial integration that aids in detailed tracking and management of each transaction, significantly improving the capacity for strategic decisions and operational alignment.
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Multi-stage production

Multi-stage production, which involves linking multiple stages of production to each other and managing the sales demand and procurement fulfilment of each raw material and final product, offers an efficient and effective approach to manufacturing that enhances efficiency and cost-effectiveness. This method allows for a more detailed management of the production process, from raw materials to finished goods.

  • By expanding the Bill of Materials into stages, businesses can manage the demand for raw materials in a more granular and precise manner, optimizing inventory levels and reducing waste.
  • Initiating production runs for each stage that has sufficient stock ensures that production cycles continue uninterrupted, leading to higher operational efficiency and productivity.
  • The ability to manage and cost the output waste per stage and reintegrate it back into stock for further processing or sales minimizes losses and maximizes resource utilization.
  • Multi-stage production provides a clearer view of production costs at each stage, allowing for more accurate costing of final products and better financial management.
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Direct Costs for Sub-contractor management

Utilizing Direct Costs for managing subcontractors performing tasks beyond transportation is a strategic approach within systems like AugTool to streamline financial and operational processes. This method allows businesses to incorporate the costs associated with subcontractors directly into their transactions, effectively managing cash flow and liabilities. By inflating inventory costs automatically and facilitating easy management of expected payments, businesses can maintain accurate financial records and ensure operational efficiency.

  • Enables the easy addition of direct cost items related to subcontractors to any document, accurately reflecting transaction or stock values.
  • Provides detailed reports and updates liability control accounts on the balance sheet for comprehensive tracking of direct costs.
  • Facilitates reconciliation of subcontractor invoices with tracked costs, ensuring payments are accurate and made to the right party.
  • With a simple click, businesses can raise purchase invoices for all reconciled subcontractor costs, significantly reducing administrative burden.
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Indirect Costs

Utilizing Indirect Costs for managing resource allocation, particularly for expenses that are paid later such as allocating labour costs to a production run, is an essential accounting practice within businesses aiming for accurate cost assessment and financial reporting. This method involves assigning costs not directly tied to a specific product or service but necessary for the overall operation or process, such as salaries, utilities, and rent, to the cost of goods sold or production runs. This approach ensures a more comprehensive understanding of total production costs and aids in more informed pricing and profitability analysis.

  • Allocates overheads and indirect expenses to products or services, offering a clearer picture of true production and other transaction costs.
  • Helps in setting prices that accurately reflect the cost of a process supporting better profit margins.
  • Allows for more accurate budgeting and forecasting by accounting for all costs associated with a particular process.
  • Ensures that indirect costs are equitably distributed across products or services, reflecting their fair share of operational expenses.
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IOT and Interfacing


Weigh Ticket Integration

Integrating a weighbridge into an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system offers a strategic advantage for businesses that require precise control over the stock moving in and out of their operations, particularly when optimizing workflows and reducing duplicative efforts that arise from disjointed point solutions. Utilizing the right technology to weigh stock, whether upon entry, exit, or during production, can significantly enhance operational efficiency and accuracy.

  • Directly integrate your weighbridge into your business systems, ensuring high security and auditable processes that enhance transparency and compliance.
  • Automate the generation of weighbridge tickets, which can be printed, emailed, and authorized, while simultaneously creating invoices and goods receipts notes with attached financial details, thereby optimizing operational workflows.
  • Gain a comprehensive overview of all weighbridge activities and weigh tickets across various locations, with detailed data storage capabilities including information on drivers, delivery companies, and packing entities, enhancing management and oversight.
  • Eliminate manual data entry for weights, customers, and products, securing critical figures and reducing the risk of human error, thus ensuring the integrity of your stock management processes.
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Production Machine Integration

Integrating production machines directly into AugTool can significantly enhance operational efficiency, accuracy, and oversight for businesses that rely on precise manufacturing processes. This strategic move allows for real-time monitoring and control of production activities, optimizing workflows, and reducing the need for manual intervention, which is often prone to errors and duplications when using unconnected systems.

  • Seamlessly connect your production machinery to your business systems, enabling real-time data capture and analysis, which supports immediate decision-making and process adjustments.
  • Automate the creation of production orders, scheduling, and quality checks, directly linking production output to inventory levels, sales orders, and delivery schedules, thereby streamlining the entire manufacturing process.
  • Gain centralized control and visibility overall production activities across different locations, with the ability to monitor machine performance, output rates, and maintenance needs, ensuring optimal productivity and minimizing downtime.
  • Eliminate manual data entries related to production quantities, times, and operational parameters, reducing the risk of human error and enhancing the security and accuracy of production data.
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Interfacing engine with REST API

Having access to a REST API or the ability to interface AugTool ERP with other systems opens a world of possibilities for businesses seeking to enhance their operational efficiency, data consistency, and technological agility. This connectivity allows for seamless integration between AugTool ERP and a wide range of external applications, platforms, and services, ensuring that businesses can leverage the best tools available while maintaining a unified system environment.

  • Easily connect and synchronize data between AugTool ERP and other business systems or third-party services, enhancing operational efficiency and data consistency across platforms.
  • Tailor your ERP system to meet specific business needs by integrating custom functionalities or niche solutions, offering unmatched flexibility in how you deploy and use your ERP system.
  • Facilitate the real-time exchange of data between systems, ensuring all stakeholders have access to up-to-date information, which supports better decision-making and collaboration.
  • Automate and streamline business processes by connecting disparate systems, reducing manual data entry, and minimizing the risk of errors, thereby improving overall operational productivity.
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Short-Term Property Bookings


Consolidated Booking and Financial System

Running your booking system on a financial management system like AugTool ERP, which enables multi-company accounting within a single system, offers significant advantages, especially for those in sectors like property management and brokerage. This unified approach not only streamlines operations but also ensures clearer financial oversight across different business ventures or properties.

  • Manage all your businesses and properties through a single platform, simplifying financial oversight and reducing administrative burdens.
  • Seamlessly manage broker operations and commissions across separate entities within the same system for clearer and more efficient financial reporting.
  • Efficiently handle financial transactions across different companies, ensuring accurate accounting and ease of management.
  • Generate consolidated financial reports and analyses for multiple companies or properties, providing valuable insights for strategic decision-making.
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Scalable Pricing and Flexible Contracts

AugTool's innovative approach to pricing and flexible contracts in the short-term booking market for the hospitality industry is set to transform how brokers and property owners manage their property portfolios. By moving away from traditional per-property fees to a model based on usage and complexity, AugTool offers a highly adaptable and growth-friendly solution.

  • Businesses can expand their property portfolios without worrying about prohibitive cost increases, fostering growth and scalability.
  • The usage and complexity-based model provides predictable costs, eliminating financial uncertainties associated with expansion.
  • By levelling the playing field, smaller players can compete more effectively, leading to a healthier, more competitive market environment.
  • AugTool's disruptive pricing encourages innovation and adaptability, contributing to a more inclusive and dynamic marketplace.
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Bookable Extras and Property addons

Bookable extras and property addons significantly enhance the guest experience in the hospitality industry by offering additional services and amenities, both related and unrelated to the property itself. These options not only cater to the diverse interests and needs of guests but also open new revenue streams for property owners and managers.

  • Offers guests personalized and memorable experiences through a wide range of activities and amenities, improving satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Creates new opportunities for property owners to generate income beyond the basic rental, increasing profitability.
  • Differentiates properties in a crowded market by providing unique and customizable options that appeal to various guest preferences.
  • For bookable extras, partnerships with local service providers (like whale watching or wine tours) can stimulate the local economy and offer guests authentic local experiences.
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Powerful Rates engine

AugTool's powerful rates engine, equipped with multi-currency capabilities, addresses a critical need within the property management sector for setting rates that are both competitive and profitable. This sophisticated tool allows for granular control over pricing strategies, accommodating a variety of rate types tailored to specific dates, guest demographics, and even special events.

  • Enables property owners to define and adjust rates based on day, guest count, special days, weekdays, or guest groups, ensuring optimal pricing for every scenario.
  • Facilitates global bookings by allowing owners and suppliers to price their properties and activities in the currency of their choice.
  • Empowers owners to propose new rates quickly for approval, significantly reducing administrative time and accelerating response to market changes.
  • By precisely tailoring rates to demand, property types, and guest profiles, owners can maximize occupancy and profitability without underselling or overselling their properties.
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Utilizing discounts in a short-term letting company can significantly enhance its marketing strategy and operational efficiency. This approach not only attracts new customers but also fosters loyalty among existing ones, encouraging repeat business. By leveraging a powerful tool for the streamlined creation and management of promotions, businesses can tailor their offers to meet the unique needs and preferences of diverse customer segments.

  • Attract new guests with enticing discounts, expanding the customer base and increasing market visibility.
  • Encourage repeat bookings through targeted discounts, building a loyal customer base that contributes to steady revenue streams.
  • Tailor discounts to specific customer groups or booking trends, gaining a competitive edge and adapting quickly to market changes.
  • Track the performance of discount campaigns, allowing for data-driven adjustments and optimization for future strategies.
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Dynamic booking form generation

Utilizing a dynamic booking form to confirm bookings, which is dynamically customized based on guest selections, provides a significant advantage in the competitive landscape of the hospitality and property management industry. Through an integrated booking engine that allows for the inclusion of custom fields, images, and branding, businesses can offer a highly personalized and engaging booking experience.

  • Incorporate your unique branding into the booking process, reinforcing brand identity and differentiating your offerings from competitors.
  • Tailor the booking journey with custom fields and content, meeting the specific needs and preferences of each guest, and enhancing satisfaction.
  • By providing a seamless and customized booking experience, you encourage repeat business and foster long-term loyalty among guests.
  • Dynamically generate booking forms with tailored text, summaries, payment instructions, and rules, ensuring guests receive all relevant information in a structured and easy-to-understand format.
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Interdepartmental collaboration

Enabling interdepartmental communication and state tracking through the AugTool booking engine significantly enhances operational efficiency and service quality within an organization. By facilitating instant confirmations, notifications, and streamlined reporting across various departments, businesses can ensure that both employees and customers enjoy a smoother and more coherent experience. Here are four key benefits of implementing such a system:

  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency: Streamlines communication between departments, ensuring that all team members are on the same page and can respond to situations quickly.
  • Improved Customer Experience: Instant confirmations and notifications help manage customer expectations and contribute to a seamless booking and service process.
  • Simplified Financial Reporting: Makes tracking payments, managing refunds, and reducing no-shows more efficient, leading to better financial control and reporting.
  • Stronger Team Collaboration: Encourages a culture of transparency and cooperation among different departments, fostering a more cohesive and productive work environment.
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Availability Management

Effective and efficient management of availability is crucial for hospitality businesses, especially when coordinating inventory across various channels. AugTool's system streamlines this process, offering a robust solution that ensures a seamless customer experience while minimizing errors and maximizing profitability.

  • Automatically view inventory availability across all booking channels, reducing the risk of overbooking and ensuring a consistent customer experience.
  • Minimize manual errors and enhance operational efficiency by automatically updating availability after each booking for in-house properties.
  • Utilize real-time data to make informed pricing adjustments, optimizing rates based on demand and availability for maximized revenue.
  • Strategically tailor pricing based on current and future availability to attract more bookings, driving up occupancy rates and overall profitability.
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Sales Agent and Sales Commission Management

The ability to manage sales agent commissions in real time through a system like AugTool presents a significant advantage for businesses by streamlining the commission tracking and payment process. This approach not only ensures accuracy and fairness in compensation but also fosters a transparent working environment that can boost morale and productivity among sales agents.

  • Automates the calculation of commissions based on actual sales, credits, or refunds, ensuring sales agents are fairly compensated for their efforts.
  • Provides sales agents with real-time access to their commission status, fostering trust and transparency within the team.
  • Supports varying commission tiers and structures across different properties or property groups, allowing for tailored incentive schemes.
  • By ensuring timely and accurate compensation, the system contributes to higher satisfaction and loyalty among sales agents, which can translate into more motivated sales efforts and business growth.
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Guest and owner portals

Providing access to vital information via AugTool's Guest and Owner portals significantly enhances the operational efficiency and transparency of the hospitality service process. These portals serve as centralized platforms where guests and property owners can independently access important details related to bookings, payments, and property management.

  • Guests and owners can easily view booking details, payment history, and financial statements, fostering an environment of trust and openness.
  • With information readily available online, there's a significant decrease in routine inquiries for statements and invoices, freeing up valuable time for staff.
  • The owner portal allows property owners to directly manage their listings and reservations, giving them greater control and involvement in the process.
  • Easy access to information and self-service capabilities lead to fewer misunderstandings and disputes, strengthening the relationships between guests, owners, and management.
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